Thursday, 14 November 2013

OUGD403 Final Hand In Evaluation

After completing this module I am relieved to finish everything. There are many aspects of this module that I both liked, and disliked. There are things I would change if I had change, and there are things that if I had more time I would take further. 

What I liked about this Module

The thing I liked most about this Module was brief 5. Brief 5 allowed me to experiment with type, image, and image and type together, using the skills we have learnt from the previous briefs, and then looking further into our designs allowed us to create a better outcome to if we had started it at the beginning of the course. We have been able to experiment with type and look further into our designs. This is the aspect I liked because we were able to experiment and try out lots of different ideas given 3 posters to design. 

What I disliked about this Module

I disliked brief 3 of this project, I found it difficult to design something completely suited for someone else to describe their personality as we have only just met them. It was hard to figure out what type of person they are after a week. So I struggled with the design as I chose to hand render it and not use the computer to finalise my design.

What would I do differently?

If I was to do anything differently it would be in reply to my dislike about the module, brief 3. I would chose to insert my designs into the computer, and render them digitally, to create a design that would be precise, accurate, and perfect. This would be the only aspect of my designing that I would change. I am happy with everything I created and enjoyed each brief even if I found some of them difficult. I am excited to start the next brief and put my skills I have learnt into practice further. 

Another thing I would do differently would be to produce more hand drawn sketches. The way I work at the moment is computer based, inserting my designs straight into the computer, I would like to change this and be more drawn based and get different ideas down on paper before producing thing on the computer.

What have I learned? 

The main things I have learnt is how to use illustrator properly, with its correct shortcuts and different tools that I can use to improve my designs. I will take these skills and develop them further in my own time to see if I can improve my designs. Another thing I have learnt it that it is important to document, look further into research and push the boundaries of my design.

In conclusion I am enjoying the course so far and believe using the skills I have learnt so far will allow me to push my designs further and create better outcomes. I like the different experiments and tasks we were given and find it interesting to look further into different elements of graphic design. I intend to practice my skills further and look further into different aspects of graphic design that inspire me.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

OUGD403: Brief 5: Delivery

For this task we were given the instruction to take our research from brief 4, then apply our research to create 3 different posters that define our research and represent a point. One of the posters had to be purely type, one had to be purely image, then the other had to be a combination of both. Below was my response to the brief.

Type Poster

Image Poster

Type and Image Poster 

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

OUGD403: Brief 4: Research

Below is a few mood boards I created for my research brief. I looked into a story about Randi Zuckerberg and how she has created a book to get children off facebook and social networking sites and enjoy life more... Below are the stages of research I went through. 

After my crit I refined my research to look into how social networking affect teenagers and how problems can be caused from this, such as depression, and teenagers putting themselves down after getting negative comments over social media. I wanted to create a high impact poster that would make teenagers realise and actually stop going on facebook. I decided to do this with the shock side of designing and I produced a shock poster and implemented it into my final designs for brief 5.

Monday, 4 November 2013

OUGD403: Brief 3: Typeface

Here is my font created for a my partner (Daria). The main aspects of my design was including her Italian roots and family to create a base to my font, and then using her love for Coldplay and oceans, to create the curvaceous design to my final piece. Below is the hand rendered version of my font.

Here is the name card that I created for Daria. It is printed onto sticky back paper which will allow Daria to use it as a name card. 

OUGD403: Brief 2: Illustrator Alphabet

This is the final alphabet for Brief 2, It was taken from the M of my Studio Brief 1, and then developed throughout my font to give the feeling of machinery and structure, it represents automatic with the different gears and then implemented throughout each letter to give this feeling.

Here is an image of my final print that was produced in digital print. The paper was standard stock with matt ink. Below are the images.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

OUGD403: Brief 1: 10 Letter Forms

Here are my initial drawings for my designs, they include the different changes I have made, and the different changes are shown in red pen.
After making the initial changes I then went into different in depth edits to represent the different details of a design, in this case, I edited different examples of the industrial revolution. 
After the crit I then had feedback that involved different chances to my designs, that would improve my final outcome, I then altered this using a red pen then applied them to make a digitally rendered copy.
Here is the final outcome to my final ten 10x10 letter forms for the word Automatic. 

I then created a case for these 10x10 letter forms. The case holds general information about each font and what it represents. This allows the viewer to understand the different design methods that have gone into the production of each different font. 

The letters are enclosed in the 10x10cm case and the case has various information on for the viewer. 

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Leeds Fresher Map Pack

Below is the design that we created in the induction brief. It is a freshers map pack that can be used for leeds freshers. This edition to the map pack is used for Liberty Park accommodation students, traveling to Leeds College of Art. 

Below is the final product. 
Map show how it fits in wallet. 
Picture guide in the map. 
Map directing to LCA.
Close up. 
Liberty Park and Leeds College of Art Information
Front Cover Design
Back of map design.