I start with research, I look into, specific aspects of the research, push it the idea and find unique and experimental ways of finding the content and information. I then create my initial ideas, I tend to sketch, mock up, and create initial ideas to a final stage to portray how a design will look if it was digitally and try to vision whether the design will work or not. I then go back to my initial ideas and make sure that every part of my concept is written and planned to imagine how the end project will end up. I work my research into concepts and try to think of a unique way of showing this research and getting my point across. I work in a very ordered, structured manner, planning, producing notes and lists to complete, then making sure each aspect is completed before I feel I have sufficient content to start my initial ideas.
I would also like to work on my sketchbook designs. I believe the way I portray my information within my sketchbook becomes confusing and difficult to understand. I would like to work on the way I present sketches, present various ideas and concepts within a sketchbook. I believe this will also save time and gives my whole design process a cleaner and blunt way of working.
One part of my methodology I would like to focus and build upon is the practical elements to my design. I would like to discover and apply further skills to the assembly of my designs. I feel I am very good at designing up until the production stage, which I seem to lack confidence as I need more experimentation in this area. I plan my ideas and designs thoroughly but reaching the part to produce the design I feel I could gain knowledge.
I believe I have a solid, methodology that understands the range of research that needs to be completed before applying and creating a solid concept. Once a concept is worked upon and developed, the process from initial ideas into digital design becomes easy with the skills acquired. The final stage to the project is production which lets me down however with work and progression, and the ability to test and experiment whether something will work will gain my knowledge refine my methodology further. As it is only second year, I feel pleased with my process from first year, and the development of my ideas and designs is really apparent when comparing the two years.
"Good overview of your process on the blog but there are a few posts that are a bit patchy. A more extensive reflection on the development of the work would have been useful."
I believe I have a solid, methodology that understands the range of research that needs to be completed before applying and creating a solid concept. Once a concept is worked upon and developed, the process from initial ideas into digital design becomes easy with the skills acquired. The final stage to the project is production which lets me down however with work and progression, and the ability to test and experiment whether something will work will gain my knowledge refine my methodology further. As it is only second year, I feel pleased with my process from first year, and the development of my ideas and designs is really apparent when comparing the two years.
"Good overview of your process on the blog but there are a few posts that are a bit patchy. A more extensive reflection on the development of the work would have been useful."
After the submission and being given time to reflect and look back over my work. It was obvious to me that my blog and the development of my work wasn't up to the best of my ability. I could have produced far better progression work and showed my design process to its full extent if I would have been organised and found a better way to compile and collect my work. I found my process messy and confusing during the design process for responsive, which caused a repercussion effect on my blogging and progression work.
"More evaluation too – as this is what can really support your submission while demonstrating future paths for your design output."
I also want to work on the way I evaluate my work. I would like to understand what I like about the design and what needs to be improved. This evaluation lets the tutor know where I have gone wrong but it also plans and organises my improvements if I was to revisit the brief and apply the evaluation changes to the design.
"There are also places
where the production quality could be better."
This feedback wasn't really usefull but it just made me certain that I have a problem within my process when it comes to production. I need to work on my production of my designs which can only be achieved with practice and mistakes. As I have finished the brief and understand what aspects of the production went wrong and didn't end up how I imagined, I now believe I have developed these production stages with the errors I have made. Over summer I intend to produce and experiment with production and understand that things go wrong and how to resolve the problem when they do.