Advertising within a new media advertising environment, the means and methods used to capture peoples attention within the media using innovative means of advertising. New means such as youtube adverts, banner advertising for websites, pop up, avoiding traditional means such as print adverts, zine advertising and producing a more interactive method of advertising. I want to take traditional techniques, designs, and a more sophisticated way of advertising, and apply it to new, interactive mediums to create a innovative means of communication, In addition, I would like to take methods of new media interactive advertising, incorporate concepts, and apply them to traditional means of advertising and compare the two outcomes to see which becomes more effective.
Establishing a company that has been through the stages of traditional, and the conversion to new media means. Content will be a new product, or a product that is receiving more attention for advertising. The reason for picking a product over picking a company to advertise is because the company will have enough advertising as it is a big company, and a specific product will need advertising more.
Communication will be informative and persuasive to get a new customer to purchase a product from the company. The advertising methods will vary depending on the outcome of the traditional means, or the new advertising means. The communication will be two different resolutions as we are comparing two means of advertising, so the outcome will be different for each method.
Research will consist of separating the methods of advertising, picking the best examples of traditional means of advertising, taking the best methods of new media advertising, and swapping the methods, to see whether incorporating the traditional means of advertising, and applying them to new media, to create a new, innovative way of advertising a product, using the traditional methods we are comfortable with, and are similar with.
I want to explore a range of ways of outcomes, ranging from new media methods, such as hyperlinks, popups, and methods such as youtube advertising, so looking into 30 second adverts that will capture attention and keep people interested, then looking at the opposite and looking into print methods, and applying new, interactive methods, into a print based medium, and other traditional means of advertising. I will explore new ways to display interactive, new media advertising by incorporating traditional means of advertising within this new style, creating recognisable methods of advertising that they haven't seen in this format before.
Testing will be finding which method of advertising is more effective and whether these techniques work when switching mediums. This will be tested by asking the public which advert they find most effective, which advert makes them interested and keeps their attention. Another way to figure out which is more effective is to find out how long a consumer stayed on the advert, how long it kept their attention for and whether it was actually effective.
How has New Media changed Advertising
2. Do you have a hypothesis (an assumed conclusion that you will endeavour to
I want to create a piece of work that incorporates the use of traditional, and advertising methods that were once successful upon its chosen medium, whether that is tv, print, or editorial type advertising, and manipulate and apply it to a new, media, interactive method of advertising to impact consumers and cause a more effective advertising method. In my experiment, I would like to take a look at the way youtube display their advertisements, how they impact the consumer and whether or not they work. I will be re evaluating how youtube adds work and try to come up with a interesting and innovative way of applying these youtube adverts, and even the implementation into other social media sites.
3. What are the contexts of your research interests?
The context of my research interests is to provide a way that advertising can still be in place, but a more creative, and subtle.
4. Sources of primary/secondary research.
Sources will range from traditional printed zines, posters to encorate the traditional side of advertising, then research will be done online, looking at various methods adverts use to capture your attention, whether they work, whether people actually remember and take note of brands. I will browse the selection of youtube ads and look into ways to incorporate a new concept to connect to the consumers and provide bearable advertising methods.
5. How will your practical work relate to your written work (synthesis)?
My practical work will create a way to effectively advertise a product or brand without irritating, or causing problems for the consumer, making them get annoyed and aggravated. Re-designing the concept for advertising on youtube will provide a new innovative way to incorporate traditional means of advertising, and apply them to a new concept for youtube ads. Making the advert relate to the consumer, causing them to feel targeted personally, yet creating a piece of design that won't be irritating and users can find it easy to look through brands or ads as they please.
6. What methods will you use to research, develop, create and test your work?
7. Provide a proposed timeline for your work to completion (consider carefully
whether you will need access to college facilities).
For my graphic design response I will attempt to re-brand the youtube advertising concept to create a interesting and innovative way to access the consumer to produce effective advertising techniques that will actually connect with the consumer, instead of the annoyance that is caused when a youtube advert is loaded and skipped.