Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Study Task 06 - Rotation task - New Media Theory

The question I have picked to answer is 'New Media Interactive Advertising vs. Traditional advertising". Looking into traditional advertising, how it was, how it worked, and then comparing it to how it has changed, and whether or not the new media techniques are more relevant to advertising than traditional methods, I would also like to look into the way traditional advertising is still incorporated in new media advertising.  I would like to look into certain ways that new media have changed the way advertising happens, almost replacing the traditional ways of advertising with these new techniques for a quicker sale.

I have taken out a few books that will help in this investigation, ranging from past advertising techniques to the future of advertising. The books are as follows 

The Future of advertising: Joe Cappo
Advertising, Promotion and New Media: Marla R. Strafford, Ronald J. Faber. 
Buy this Book: Mica Nava 
The Fundamentals of Creative Advertising: Burtenshaw

I intend on taking my research and essay into a design by taking traditional means of advertising, traditional poster advertisements, packaging, and converting them into the modern aspects of advertising, then comparing the two past and present. I will pick a company to advertise, then produce both the past and present aspects of advertising, and produce a past and present type exhibition.

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