Tuesday, 20 January 2015

From Past to Present

"From past to present is a lifestyle television show inspired by austerity and the household rituals of that time. Shown on channel 4 between the hours of 8 - 9pm, the television show offers views a variety of lifestyle alternatives to create within their home.

With four female presenters, to the likes of Kirsty Allsopp, the programme draws on four themes; interior design, clothing and apparel, gardening and cooking. Each segment of the show features one of the four presenters with the assistance of another."


After a friend was asking if I was able to brand her new TV programme that she is producing at university, I took up the opportunity to create this for her. The programme is a new reality tv show that looks into the publics lifestyle and explores ways of improving life by looking at 4 sections: Cooking, Interior Design, Gardening and Fashion.

Client Requirements

- Branding for show
- Logo
- Mock up of program


The show is aimed to inspire an audience to use what is around them, much like the make do and mend era, and be creative within their home. Speaking with the client, she recommends looking at the keep calm and carry on, to get a feel for the type of design she wanted the design to relate. In my opinion, I believe the design for the keep calm and carry on posters is dead. The design has been changed, manipulated and seen by everyone. I need some way of incorporating the feel of the poster however giving the whole design a new aesthetic that gives a resemblance to the original keep calm posters. To the right are a few examples of the types of alterations that have come from the posters, being manipulated and producing the same design for different ideas. I like the attention the posters received because of this, however, I will be changing the aesthetic to the design to give a slight variation to make the design more personal to the new TV program.

I started to research into the type of illustration and style to my design. The design needs to reflect the make and mend era, so I started to research very clean, simple vector graphics that give a clean, modern aesthetic that will provide the correct correlation to the make and mend to improve homelife genre that the program is trying to achieve. With a clean and simple aesthetic to the design the viewers will clearly understand the different aspects of the program.

Above are a few examples to the simple vector graphics I will use to inspire me to create my illustrations. These designs also show a strong colour scheme which works with the vector well and makes each aspect of the vector stand out from the rest of the design. I will need to pick a colour scheme that will work with both the illustrations and the tv program as this will be ran throughout the designs. 


Add Sketches


One requirement for the client was to take the design, and produce some real live mock ups to put the design in context. There are a few different ways I planned on creating this mockup to effectively advertise the new program and a way, and making sure that the public understand what it is and when they can see this program.

One way I mocked up my design was using a billboard to give a bigger range of an audience, however this isn't always a good thing as I will be targeting  a vast amount of people, however some problems with this style of advertising is that it will not be targeting the specific type of audience. I will need to make the style of advertising more relevant to effectively communicate the program to the required audience that will watch it.

As it is a new program, I decided to include a hashtag in the program. This promotes people to follow, share, and grow the viewing audience as more and more people tweet and communicate with each other. I have created a mock up into twitter to give an understanding to the type of tweets, social advertising, and promotion that will be provided.

Aswell as looking into the social media advertising, I wanted to make sure that I created a mockup of the design that would be located on channel 40D. This is a popular website as it stores all the missed episodes and people browsing the site with nothing to do will stumble upon this new programme.

Extended Project

As this brief was only a week long, I wanted to produce a future plan that will be given to heather to suggest ways I could take this brief further, providing more advertisment, more promotional materials, and offer things that I could add to improve the branding.

One Improvement would be to the advertising of the company. One way to reach the target audience is youtube advertising. Youtube advertising will be a quick and simple way of showing the new viewers that it will be coming out and actually link them to the 40D webpage.

I had an idea to create a publication or zine at the end of the series to compile all the different improvements from the show, splitting the design up into the 4 different sections, having 4 different zines that are wrapped together and branded to give each method of improvements for each genre of the show.


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