Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Studio Brief 02 - Taking care of business

After being given the brief, the class divided into groups which provided our studio groups. Our group consisted of Jake Simmonds, Will Morrell, Harry O'Brien and Me. This also works out well for us as we will be sharing a house next year so communication between the group will be simple. Brainstorming and discussing what type of studio we actually want, how it would manifest itself and what our strengths were:

  • We are rooted in honest, straight forward COMMUNICATION
  • We are ETHICALLY driven in the sense that we do not want to exploit people/the system
  • We want our work to have purpose and strive for CHANGE
  • We want to target the CULTURAL sector
  • We are CONCEPT driven
  • We are NORTHERN (apart from Jake)

Even though we highlighted some broader cases to our collective, we became aware that we need to develop an identify our own unique selling point which will offer something different in the market. It became apparent that setting up a multi-discipline studio at this moment in time would not be successful and more knowledge is needed to develop a understanding about the industry.  An individual idea and concept must be realised to generate interest in us as a collective and develop a distinct body of work.

Northbound? Studio

After spending 30 minutes quickly throwing ideas and possible names for studios at each other, we came up with Northbound. Relating to us all working in the north, producing work in the north, staying northern and branding us on location. 

The identity was based around using the typeface and colour found in the motorway way finding signs as this related to definition of northbound. The (NB) logo can be seen above, this was a play on the (NW) (S) (SW) direction signs. A subtle arrow glyph was added to the body type to reinforce the idea of direction, location and geography. Whether we would keep identity was unknown but it was a fun task that got us thinking.


After a few discussions and finally deciding that the initial ideas around the whole name and branding of our studio needed changing. The actual manifesto and philosophies remained, but we needed to produce a more interesting and relevant concept to our studio. After a few conversations and ideas being thrown at each other, we decided to focus on a specific interest that we all shared and actually aim to design for. This was music. From this devised our studio name: 


This can name can be explained through two definitions:

> Music

In music, sampling is the act of taking a portion, or sample, of one sound recording and reusing it as an instrument or a sound recording in a different song or piece giving it a completely new context.

Our idea was to take inspiration from the art of musical sampling and apply it to the world of graphic design/visual creation.

> Our Philosophy

The idea of taking/building upon elements from different areas and using them to create something fresh and innovative. 

Studio Inspiration 

Our Studio 

Saving, Improving, Growing
Maintaining the Vibes


The importance of getting in the zone...

“I think it's important not to interrupt people when they are working unless it's absolutely necessary. While we have a relatively communal workspace everyone has a good pair of headphones so they can remove themselves from the work environment and focus on one thing for a long period of time. It's funny but people seem a lot less inclined to interrupt someone if they have headphones on. These long periods of uninterrupted concentration are, in my opinion, the best thing to help people get in the zone for creative work.”

Third Year 

Future Studio 



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